【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!『友情提示 :样板间采取预约制,欢迎提前来电预约参观』西虹桥新盘「新长宁·水韵名邸」今日开启认购!总价约250万起即可上车!国企精工+双轨交+无连廊小高层,二期推出建面约82-133㎡的2-4房户型!认购时间:3月19日-3月23日;开盘时间:3月30日项目一房一价如下:【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!迈入2024年,随着上海购房政策不断打开:非沪单身限购松绑,2月LPR利率下调利好购房成本降低......楼市利好涌现【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!,原先持币观望的购房者,因此蠢蠢欲动起来。当下正是刚需、改善抓紧上车的风口机会,尤其是高性价比产品更值得入手。作为国家级战略规划的重要节点,虹桥商务区已经成为上海炙手可热的板块。而放眼整个大虹桥辐射圈内,动辄600万起步的购房门槛,限制了一大波人。那就不得不提面市即受热捧的红盘——新长宁·水韵名邸。【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!距离即将建设的上海示范线地铁离项目仅800米,对区域及青浦带来了巨大的潜力。与此同时,性价比也是无出其右的。无论是单价35276元/㎡,还是总价250万级起步,几乎已经摸到了上海极限置业门槛!【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!感兴趣的小伙伴们可以预约~问卷星,,,报名窗口小程序 购买新长宁·水韵名邸的4大理由 不可不GET!GET购买理由1:26年国匠人居钜著,让人与自然和谐共生国匠新长宁集团将建筑、户型和人的追求放在同等重要的位置,精研人居细节,匠心筑造8栋12-14F小高层,无连廊设计,打造建面约82-133㎡海派精装宅邸全龄户型,满足不同人群的置业需求,承载人生每一阶段的美好。为了匹配优越的户型设计,新长宁·水韵名邸在产品建【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!造上,也颇具匠心,不同与其他同价位产品,更有水系、高颜值园林景观...等多重优势。这些都是开发商新长宁来到青浦重固打造品质标杆的一个缩影。说到新长宁,熟悉市场的小伙伴怕不陌生【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!:TA曾荣获2017年获白玉兰工程三个,园林杯金奖工程一个,量身定建的江森总部大楼获美国LEED铂金认证(93分为亚洲最高分),不难看出优秀的户型、过硬的品质已经刻在新长宁的骨子里;此外,新长宁不借助资金杠杆,一路都是稳扎稳打,精心雕琢品质,是一家稳健、务实的企业,耳熟能详的古北的嘉年华庭、西郊的虹桥怡景苑别墅、安澜西郊别墅等;商办方面,IBP虹桥国际商务【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!花园、缤谷广场、兆丰广场等都是很好的代表作。GET购买理由2:海派精工美学,虹桥水岸生活绽放项目整体设计新式海派风格,融于重固6000多年人文底蕴(资料来源:绿色青浦),呈现崭新多元生活。水系+丰富的园林景观!项目南侧是天然河道,自带私家水岸线,这种天赋对应的是更宜居、【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!更舒适的滨水慢生活;零距离亲水生活,呼吸天然水域、丰富绿植所释放的鲜氧,做河流的邻居,做园林的主人,心情无比惬意。同时,社区内采用了“一带、一核、双轴、六重归家空间”模式进行景观格局:一带:氧气滨水带,为业主构筑活力自然林荫大道【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!,未来可享南边天然河道(河道连接淀山湖),茶余饭后散步好去处;一核:核心景观—中心林屿,社区内配有大型中央绿地,拉近人与自然的距离,让业主的生活融入生态园林中;【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!双轴:礼宾南北轴、景观东西轴,一步一景,无处不在的自然礼遇;六重归家空间:第一重曦光之门、舒林入口【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!第二重绿茵广场、静庭夹道,第三重悬浮森林、麓林乐园,第四重中心林屿,第五重康体健身、林下会客,第六重礼仪入户,让归家路线变得生动有趣起来!不止于此,为了营造更舒适、更节能、更绿色、更健康的生活环境!新长宁还按照绿色1星标准建造,屋顶引入绿色环保光伏板块,窗户采用断桥铝合金低辐射中空玻璃,隔音隔热效果更好,【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!更节能。或许用眼睛很难感受到其中和寻常建筑、窗户、玻璃的区别,但在生活中的体感却完全不同。并且,项目在智能化方面采用八大安防系统:包括周界防越报警系统 、入侵和紧急报警系统视频安防监控系统、可视对讲系统、实时电子巡检系统、【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!智慧停车出入口管理系统、物联网泛感知系统、出入口控制系统...保证业主在社区内全程安全有保障,为业主提供一个高质量、高科技的家!GET购买理由3:双轨交3站大虹桥,虹桥城市生活圈新长宁·水韵名邸,同价位难以拥有的醇熟配套!“交通+配套”共同发展,尽享大虹桥生活圈!在上海新房中别说200万级,就算500万级能够拥有醇熟配套的项目就不多见!但在新长宁·水韵名邸,这样的“便捷生活”却得以实现!【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!一方面,新长宁·水韵名邸距离大虹桥太近,直接享受大虹桥的辐射利好!换句话说,如果您工作在虹桥,或者经常要行驶崧泽高架,那这个项目或与您完美契合!在这里能体验高效通勤感带来的幸福——17号线+示范区线+崧泽高架all in!从项目出发直线距离约1公里【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!到达示范区线“赵重公路站”(在建中),往西可以一线直通青浦华为研发中心,未来还可以直达吴江和嘉善,往东可以直达大虹桥腹地。据《长三角生态绿色一体化发展示范区重大建设项目三年行动计划(2024-2026年)》,示范区线提速建设【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!,预计于2026年竣工,市政轨交加速推进,坐享都会红利。而17号线赵巷站在项目南侧,进站后6站虹桥火车站,可无缝换乘2号线。新长宁水韵名邸贴心服务,考虑到业主出行便捷,【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!在示范区线竣工前为业主配备免费地铁班车,以臻心服务礼遇业主。自驾上更畅通无阻,从新长宁水韵名邸行驶到崧泽高架赵重公路出入口仅约1公里,上了高架即可快速通达大虹桥核心!同时,由于便捷的交通属性,沿着17号线可快速通达各大商圈!【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!包括,上海示范区线赵重公路站还规划约19万方商业,直线距离项目约1.2公里。另一方面,新长宁水韵名邸所在的重固板块,更有“可期未来”!如果将视线聚焦到项目周边,待开发的地块也让未来充满期待!比如,项目北侧就有规划2所幼儿园+初中和多块教育科研教育用地,文教气氛浓郁!(新房不承诺学区,有关学校的划分需要交房后以教育局发布为准)又或是,大家是否发现项目周边仍有大量商业【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!、住宅用地等待出让,这些无疑佐证了未来重固将是青浦下一个着力打造的板块。GET购买理由4:全生命周期2、3、4房,实用与舒适兼得新长宁·水韵名邸建面约82㎡2房2厅1卫户型,居室实用与舒适完美结合,在满足紧凑实用的前提下,多个细节打磨将更多匠心注入到玄关、收纳、餐客厅等,可做单身贵族、甜蜜新婚房或是老人颐养之家。精巧进门玄关:作为家的门面担当,玄关是一直被忽视的空间。玄关是外界与私密空间过渡的区域,具有承上启下的作用。【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!82㎡户型将玄关利用起来,兼顾美观和功能,更是鞋物和杂物的收纳空间。多重收纳空间:以生活习惯的需要为出发点,通过观察规划出贴近生活需求的衣柜、收纳,为住户定制收纳空间,【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!在满足实用的同时,让室内空间陈设更简约,活动空间更大,最大化兼顾实用性和舒适度。U型厨房设计:餐客厅与U型厨房一字型“类横厅”设计,让空间界面从感官到实用最大化,开放型厨房的实用体验更加通透,【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!免除了烹饪时的闭塞感,同时在烹饪时,也可以随心所欲和家人畅所欲言。主次卧舒适度更高:主卧空间方正【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!,使用舒适,可放置1.80米的大床及2个床头柜,次卧作为客房和儿童房可轻松放置1.50米的床铺及2个床头柜,卧室进深更深,居住体验感更好。新长宁·水韵名邸,建面约92㎡的3房2厅1卫,飞机户型,尊重每一个家庭的切身需求,舒适之上更让家庭成员享受生活质感,【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!不止是更大更宽,更要厚载从容的生活享受。LDK餐客厨一体化,3开间南向:设置精巧独立玄关,最大化保证居住者的私密感受,南向总开间约10.1米,LDK餐客厨一体化设计【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!,一路无墙面遮拦,流畅衔接,让空间在视觉上无限延伸,充分考量家庭中不同成员的生活需求,将时尚和实用性、功能性完美融合。尊重隐私,人性卧室化布局:南向主卧和次卧分布在客厅两侧,保证了居者私密性;“主卧的空间尺度”决定着我们的生活。【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!主卧是主人居住的私密空间,是整套住宅的核心。带飘窗主卧,景观视野好,明卧阳光清风也充分考量居住者的健康。大开间主卧,懂生活而享生活:主卧空间方正,可放置1.80米的大床及2个床头柜,居住体验更好,实属改善家庭客户的福利户型。【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!新长宁·水韵名邸,建面约111㎡的3房2厅2卫户型,不高的总价,三房的配比,这样的宝藏户型,它的好真的太多了:如果您是年轻一族,它是高品质的楼盘之选,单身贵族,大享三房,投资未来,【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!人生PRO越级;如果您是而立之年,事业有成,家庭幸福,改善品质三房,是全家人的美好期望,三口之家、二胎时代,111㎡户型都能满足。层层梯控,公摊小隐私强:在电梯内还设有梯控系统,层层入户,更保障了安全性及独立性!将业主无接触式归家!【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!一梯两户的设计还规避了采光不足的困扰,有效降低公摊面积,使其南北向采光通风好,并大大提高利用率!大尺度全明客厅,宽敞通透:客厅、阳台、餐厅,三点一线,生活起居自在穿行。后期设计规划更好利用空间尺度【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!,风格美观、规整、大气,尽显主人简约尊崇品味,满室阳光,是交友聚会绝佳属地。保持相对独立,主卧区和长辈房:主卧可放置1.80米的大床及2个床头柜,次卧作为客房和儿童房可轻松放置1.50米的床铺及2个床头柜。【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!既关照了长辈的作息时间,又体谅着年轻一辈的生活习惯,这份珍贵的分寸感,正是家人与家人之间不动声色的温柔。新长宁·水韵名邸,建面约133㎡的4房2厅2卫,四叶草户型,做到真4房,二孩各自的独立空间,父母享受休闲生活的空间【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!,夫妻间温馨浪漫的空间等……皆能很好满足。合理的房间布局既尊重家庭成员之间的差异性,避免了各个卧室之间的干扰对卧室的影响。另外超大面宽阳台也延展了客厅的生活情景,空间足够二胎共同玩耍!LDK餐客一体化,4开间南向:设置精巧独立玄关,最大化保证居住者的私密感受,LDK餐客一体化设计,南向四开间超13米;【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!四室朝南,拥有更多的采光面,向阳而生,给生活增添无限阳光;横向空间拉长,减少纵向空间浪费。科学动线设置得更合理、居住舒适度更高、通风性也更强。主卧带衣帽间,精奢套房设计:主卧采用全明采光设计,超大飘窗加持,独享都市奢雅生活的尊容气度,近距离体验阳光起居。套房式主卧配置步入式衣帽间、科学的尺度预留、完备的功能空间【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!在不被打扰的私享天地,即可完成休憩、梳妆、休闲、瑜伽锻炼等日常。尊重隐私,人性卧室化布局:南向主卧和次卧分布在客厅两侧,保证了居者私密性;真四房的空间将两个次卧室外延【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!,扩伸与窗外世界的空间连接,让阳光、鲜氧跃入室内,在自然气息中,收获窗外的诗情画意。[Qingpu New Changning Shuiyun Mansion] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) A glimpse of the city's best life! "Friendly tips: The model room adopts the reservation system, welcome to call in advance to make an appointment to visit" West Hongqiao New plate "New Changning · Shuiyun Name Mansion" open subscription today! The total price is about 2.5 million to get on!State-owned Seiko + double track + no corridor small high-rise, the second phase launched the construction surface of about 82-133 square meters of 2-4 rooms!Subscription period: March 19 - March 23; Opening date: March 30Project one room one price is as follows: 【 Qingpu New Changning Shuiyun Mansion 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) A glimpse of the city life!Entering 2024, with the continuous opening of Shanghai house purchase policy: non-Shanghai single purchase restriction loosened, and the reduction of LPR interest rate in February is good for the reduction of house purchase cost...... The housing market is good to emerge [Qingpu New Changning Shui Yun name Mansion] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) A glimpse of the city's best life! Buyers who originally held money to wait and see, so they are ready to move. At present, it is just needed to improve the opportunity to get on the tuyere, especially cost-effective products are worth starting.As an important node of national strategic planning, Hongqiao Business District has become a hot plate in Shanghai. Looking at the whole great Hongqiao radiation circle, the starting threshold of 6 million houses restricts a large wave of people. It has to mention the red plate that is hot on the market - New Changning · Water Yun name mansion. [Qingpu New Changning Shuiyun Mansion] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) A glimpse of the city's best life! The upcoming Shanghai Demonstration Line subway is only 800 meters away from the project, which brings great potential for the region and Qingpu.At the same time, the cost performance is also unmatched. Whether it is a unit price of 35276 yuan /㎡, or a total price of 2.5 million, it has almost touched the threshold of Shanghai's ultimate property! [Qingpu New Changning Shuiyun Mansion] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) A glimpse of the city's best life!You can make an appointment if you are interestedQuestionnaire star,,,Registration windowSmall program4 reasons to buy the new Changning Shuiyun mansion must GET!GET buy reason 1:26 years of craftsmanship, let people and nature coexist in harmonyGuomai New Changning Group puts the architecture, household type and people's pursuit in the same important position, studies the details of human settlement, and builds 8 small high-rise buildings of 12-14F, without corridor design, creating a construction surface of about 82-133 square meters of Shanghai hardcover mansion of all ages, to meet the needs of different groups of people, carrying the beauty of each stage of life.In order to match the superior house design, the new Changning · Shuiyun Name Mansion in the product construction [Qingpu New Changning Shuiyun Name Mansion] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) a glimpse of the city life! Built on, also quite ingenuity, different from other products at the same price, more water, high appearance level garden landscape... And other multiple advantages. These are a microcosm of the developer New Changning came to Qingpu to build a quality benchmark.Speaking of new Changning, small partners familiar with the market are afraid of no stranger [Qingpu New Changning Shuiyun name Mansion] official sales office phone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) a glimpse of the city's best life! TA has won three magnolia projects in 2017, one garden Cup gold award project, tailor-made Johnson headquarters building by the United States LEED platinum certification (93 points to the highest score in Asia), it is not difficult to see the excellent housing type, excellent quality has been engraved in the bones of new Changning; In addition, New Changning does not use financial leverage, all the way is steady, carefully crafted quality, is a stable, pragmatic enterprise, familiar with the carnival court in the north, the western suburbs of Hongqiao Yijingyuan villa, An LAN villa in the west; In terms of business office, IBP Hongqiao International Business [Qingpu New Changning Shuiyun Name Mansion] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) Get a glimpse of the city's best life! Garden, Bin Gu Square, Zhaofeng Square and so on are very good representative.GET buy reason 2: Shanghai seiko aesthetics, Hongqiao waterfront life bloomThe overall design of the project is new Shanghai style, which integrates the cultural heritage of more than 6,000 years (source: Green Qingpu), presenting a new and diversified life. Water system + rich garden landscape! The south side of the project is a natural river, with its own private waterfront, this talent corresponds to a more livable, [Qingpu New Changning Shuiyun Mansion] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) a glimpse of the city's best life! More comfortable waterfront slow life; Zero-distance hydrophilic life, breathing natural waters, rich fresh oxygen released by green plants, as a neighbor of the river, as the owner of the garden, the mood is very comfortable.At the same time, the landscape pattern of "one belt, one core, two axes and six rehoming Spaces" is adopted in the community:The area: Oxygen waterfront, for the owners to build a dynamic natural boulevard [Qingpu new Changning Shui Yun mansion] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) a glimpse of the city life! In the future, you can enjoy the natural river in the south (the river connects to Dianshan Lake), a good place to walk after lunch;First core: the core landscape - the central forest island, the community is equipped with a large central green space, narrow the distance between people and nature, let the owner's life into the ecological park forest; [Qingpu New Changning Shuiyun Mansion] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) A glimpse of the city's best life!Dual axis: protocol north-south axis, landscape east-west axis, step by step, everywhere natural courtesy;Six return home space: the first gate of light, Shulin entrance [Qingpu New Changning Shuiyun Mansion] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) A glimpse of the city's best life! The second heavy green square, the quiet court between the road, the third heavy suspended forest, the foot forest paradise, the fourth heavy center forest island, the fifth heavy health and fitness, the forest visitors, the sixth heavy etiquette into the home, so that the home route becomes lively and interesting!More than that, in order to create a more comfortable, more energy efficient, greener, healthier living environment!New Changning is also built according to the green 1 star standard, the roof introduces green photovoltaic plate, the Windows use broken bridge aluminum alloy low-radiation insulating glass, sound insulation effect is better, [Qingpu new Changning Shuiyun Mansion] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) a glimpse of the city life! More energy efficient. Perhaps it is difficult to feel the difference between them and ordinary buildings, Windows, and glass with the eyes, but the body feeling in life is completely different.Moreover, the project adopts eight security systems in terms of intelligence:Including perimeter alarm system, intrusion and emergency alarm system video security monitoring system, visual intercom system, real-time electronic inspection system, [Qingpu new Changning Shuiyun name mansion] official sales office phone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) a glimpse of the city's best life! Intelligent parking access management system, iot pan-sensing system, access control system... Ensure the owner in the community safety and security, to provide the owner with a high quality, high-tech home!Buy reason 3: Double rail interchange 3 stations, Hongqiao city life circleNew Changning · Shui Yun name mansion, the same price is difficult to have mellow mature supporting! "Traffic + supporting" common development, enjoy the Great Hongqiao life circle!In Shanghai new house, let alone 2 million level, even if 5 million level can have mellow mature matching projects are rare! But in the new Changning · Shuiyun Mansion, such a "convenient life" has been realized! [Qingpu New Changning Shuiyun Mansion] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) A glimpse of the city's best life! On the one hand, the new Changning · Shuiyun Mansion is too close to the Great Hongqiao and directly enjoys the radiation benefits of the Great Hongqiao! In other words, if you work in Hongqiao, or often have to drive Songze elevated, then this project may be perfect for you!Here you can experience the happiness of efficient commuting - Line 17 + Demonstration Zone Line + Songze Elevated all in! From the project, the straight line distance is about 1 km [Qingpu New Changning Shuiyun Mansion] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) A glimpse of the city's best life! To the demonstration zone line "Zhaozhong Highway Station" (under construction), to the west can be a direct line to Qingpu Huawei R & D Center, the future can also be direct to Wujiang and Jiashan, to the east can be direct to the hinterland of Great Hongqiao.According to the "Yangtze River Delta Ecological and Green integrated development Demonstration area major construction project three-year action Plan (2024-2026)", the demonstration area line speed up the construction [Qingpu New Changning Shuiyun Mansion] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) A glimpse of the city's best life! It is expected to be completed in 2026, and the municipal rail transit will accelerate and enjoy the metropolitan dividend.The Zhaoxiang station of Line 17 is on the south side of the project, and 6 stations after entering the station, Hongqiao Railway Station, can seamlessly transfer to Line 2. New Changning Shuiyun Mansion intimate service, considering the owners convenient travel, [Qingpu new Changning Shuiyun Mansion] official sales office tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) a glimpse of the city life! Before the completion of the demonstration zone line, the owners will be provided with a free subway shuttle bus to treat the owners with sincere service.More unimpeded on the road, from the new Changning Shuiyun Mansion to Songze elevated Zhaozhong Highway entrance and exit is only about 1 km, on the elevated can quickly access the Great Hongqiao core!At the same time, due to the convenient traffic attributes, you can quickly access the major business areas along Line 17! [Qingpu New Changning Shuiyun Mansion] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) A glimpse of the city's best life! Including, the Shanghai Demonstration Zone line Zhaozhong Highway station is also planned to be about 190,000 square commercial, the linear distance from the project is about 1.2 kilometers.On the other hand, the heavy solid plate where the new Changning Shuiyun Mansion is located has more "future"!If you focus on the surrounding area of the project, the land to be developed also makes the future full of expectations! For example, the north side of the project has planned 2 kindergartens + junior high schools and a number of educational research and education land, with a strong cultural and educational atmosphere! (The new house is not committed to the school district, the division of the relevant school needs to be issued by the Education Bureau after the handover)Or, do you find that there are still a lot of businesses around the project [Qingpu New Changning Shuiyun Mansion] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) A glimpse of the city's best life! Residential land waiting to be sold, these undoubtedly prove that the future will be the next focus on Qingpu plate.GET buy reason 4: Full life cycle 2, 3, 4 rooms, practical and comfortableNew Changning · Shuiyun Mansion building surface of about 82 square meters, 2 rooms, 2 rooms, 1 bathroom unit, the perfect combination of practical and comfortable living room, in the premise of meeting the compact and practical, a number of details polished more ingenuity into the entrance, storage, dining room, etc., can be a single noble, sweet new marriage house or the elderly home.Delicate entrance vestibule: As the facade of the home, the vestibule is a space that has been neglected. The entrance is the transition area between the outside world and the private space, which has the role of connecting the past and the next. [Qingpu New Changning Shuiyun Mansion] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) A glimpse of the city's best life! 82㎡ apartment will use the porch, taking into account beauty and function, but also shoes and debris storage space.Multiple storage space: To the needs of living habits as a starting point, through observation and planning close to the needs of life of the wardrobe, storage, customized storage space for the residents, 【 Qingpu new Changning Shuiyun mansion 】 official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) a glimpse of the city's best life! While meeting the practical requirements, it makes the interior space display more simple and the activity space larger, maximizing both practicality and comfort.U-shaped kitchen design: dining room and U-shaped kitchen one-frame "class horizontal hall" design, so that the space interface from sensory to practical maximization, the practical experience of open kitchen is more transparent, 【 Qingpu New Changning Shuiyin Mansion 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) a glimpse of urban life! It eliminates the feeling of being closed when cooking, and at the same time, you can talk freely with your family when cooking.The master bedroom is more comfortable: the master bedroom space is square [Qingpu New Changning Shuiyun Mansion] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) A glimpse of the city's best life! Comfortable to use, can be placed 1.80 meters of queen bed and 2 bedside tables, the second bedroom as a guest room and children's room can be easily placed 1.50 meters of bed and 2 bedside tables, the bedroom deeper, better living experience.New Changning · Shuiyun Mansion, built with a surface of about 92 square meters of 3 rooms, 2 halls and 1 bathroom, aircraft apartment type, respect for the immediate needs of every family, more comfortable on the family members to enjoy the texture of life, 【 Qingpu New Changning Shuiyun Mansion 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) a glimpse of the city's best life! It is not only bigger and wider, but also the enjoyment of life.LDK dining guest kitchen integration, 3 rooms southbound: set up a sophisticated independent entrance to maximize the privacy of the residents, the total room southbound is about 10.1 meters, LDK dining guest kitchen integration design [Qingpu New Changning Shuiyun Mansion] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) A glimpse of the city's best life! All the way without wall blocking, smooth connection, so that the space is visually infinite extension, fully consider the life needs of different members of the family, and perfect integration of fashion and practicality and functionality.Respect for privacy, human nature bedroom layout: south-facing master bedroom and second bedroom are distributed on both sides of the living room to ensure privacy; The "spatial scale of the master bedroom" determines our lives. [Qingpu New Changning Shuiyun Mansion] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) A glimpse of the city's best life! The master bedroom is a private space where the master lives and is the heart of the house. The master bedroom with bay window has a good view of the landscape, and the sunny breeze in the bright bedroom also fully considers the health of the occupants.Large master bedroom, understand life and enjoy life: The master bedroom space is square, can place 1.80 meters of queen bed and 2 bedside tables, living experience is better, it is to improve the welfare of family customers. [Qingpu New Changning Shuiyun Mansion] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) A glimpse of the city's best life!New Changning · Shuiyun mansion, built about 111 square meters of 3 rooms 2 halls 2 sanitary units, not high total price, the ratio of three rooms, such a treasure house, it is really too good: if you are a young family, it is the choice of high-quality real estate, single noble, enjoy three rooms, investment in the future, 【 Qingpu new Changning Shuiyun Mansion 】 Official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) Get a glimpse of the city's best life! Life PRO leapfrog; If you are thirty years old, successful career, family happiness, improve the quality of three rooms, is the good expectations of the whole family, three families, two children era, 111 square meters can meet.Layer by layer ladder control, public stall small privacy: there is also a ladder control system in the elevator, layer by layer into the household, more to ensure security and independence【青浦新长宁水韵名邸】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)一睹城市臻品生活!